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What is a hernia?

A hernia is an abnormal opening anywhere in the body that occurs when an organ or tissue begins to slip through the surrounding muscle and bulges outward.

Hernias can range in size, placement on the body and levels of pain a patient experiences.


What causes hernia?

Body has natural spaces and thin tissues such as around the navel area and around the groin area, hernia may develop at these or other areas due to



Chronic cough

Chronic constipation

Old injuries or incisions from previous surgeries

Weaknesses Caused after child birth.


What are the symptoms of hernia?

Bulge in and around the abdominal wall

Dull ache that gets aggravated towards the end of the day or after standing for prolonged periods of time


What are the different types of hernia?

What is Inguinal Hernia?

An inguinal hernia is formed on either side of the groin in an area known as the inguinal canal.

The hernia can cause an opening in the canal that the patient will feel as a bulge in the groin area.

Since the groin and area of the inguinal canal is complex, patients need to seek my professional care.

For treatment, we may recommend a laparoscopic repair that involves placing a small mesh inside the wall over the opening.

0Fortunately, we do not need to normally make an incision larger than 1 cm for this procedure.


What are the symptoms?

Lump in the groin,

Discomfort and dull pain.


What is a Femoral Hernia?

While femoral hernias are not common, they are still a possibility in patients.

Femoral hernias occur as a bulge at the groin crease on the body.

Seeking a specialized diagnosis from our team will help to identify the type of hernia.


What are the symptoms?

Lump in the groin

Discomfort and dull pain in groin


What is an umbilical hernia?

An umbilical hernia is caused when part of the intestine or omentum (Fat) protrudes from the umbilical opening in the abdominal muscles.

Umbilical hernias are more common in infants; adults are also susceptible to them.

With children, the umbilical hernia will disappear around 1 or 2 years of age.

Treatment varies on the condition of the patient. If the hernia causes the patient pain, then we will consider surgery.

Regardless, it is crucial to consult us for specialized professional opinion as we can identify the issue and determine the necessary treatment.


What are the symptoms?

Lump in the belly button,

Discomfort and pain


What is an incisional hernia?

This is seen as a bulge occurring in relation to a previous surgical scar in the abdominal wall.

It is due to weakness in the scar tissue.

This is the second most common type of hernia after an inguinal hernia.


What are the symptoms?

A painless bulge which can be pushed back in to the abdomen easily.

The lump may become prominent when standing and disappears on lying down.

You may also experience a burning sensation with discomfort or dull pain.

You may have difficulty in daily activities such as getting up from bed, walking and lifting weight.


What is an epigastric hernia?

This is seen as a bulge occurring above the naval and below the breast bone in the midline of the upper abdomen.

These hernias are usually small.

 It is possible to have more than one epigastric hernia at a time.

This type of hernia may trap the contents within the sac (usually fat) and cause pain and tissue damage.


What are the symptoms?

Presence of a lump or pain or discomfort


Frequently asked questions

As a General & Laparoscopic Surgeon, I understand that people going in for surgery will have a large number of questions, no matter the type of procedure.

I am happy to answer any questions or address any concerns that the patient may have.

Since laparoscopic surgery requires a specialist, I have the knowledge and expertise to complete the procedure without issue.


Why should Hernias be treated?

To prevent potentially dangerous complications like obstruction and strangulation, surgery is recommended.


Is surgery the only treatment for Hernias?

With children, the umbilical hernia will disappear around 1 or 2 years of age.

Treatment varies on the condition of the patient; however, if left unattended hernias can have potential life threatening consequences.

Hernias can be treated with surgeries only.


How are hernias treated?

Most hernias aren’t immediately life-threatening, but they don’t go away on their own.

There are two types of hernia repair surgery: Open or through Key holes (Laparoscopically)

Treatment of hernia includes.

Open surgery

A cut is made over the lump. The sac and its contents are reduced.

The defect is closed with a non-absorbable mesh

The skin will be closed with absorbable stitches. 


What is Laparoscopic surgery for Hernia?

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is when we perform the surgery through a small incision or key holes no more than about 1 to 1.5 cm in size.


How long does laparoscopic surgery or other surgical procedures typically take?

The length of the surgery, general or laparoscopic, will depend entirely on the type of procedure and the condition of the patient’s health.


What is the cost of surgery?

The cost will vary per procedure and the general condition of the patient.

We will go over all of these factors during a consultation and estimate the cost if necessary.


What is the typical process for a surgery?

We will review the patient’s medical history and the current condition of the patient.

Depending on how painful the condition is and the

time, at which we see the patient, we will conduct an examination.

In some cases, the patient may have a separate doctor diagnose the possible condition and visit us for the treatment procedure.

With that information, we will then determine the best treatment option. We will then go over the process with the patient and schedule the surgery at the earliest if necessary.


When will I be able to return home after a laparoscopic surgery?

In many cases, the patient will be able to return home within 24 hours after the procedure.

It will depend on the patient’s condition, the length of time it takes for the anaesthetic to wear off and the type of procedure.

In other cases, especially if the situation was an emergency, then the patient may need to remain under surveillance at the hospital for a day or two.


Are there any risks to any form of laparoscopic surgery?

As with any surgery, there may be some risks. However, the risks and pain from not seeking surgery are much greater.

By seeking our services you are seeking surgical treatment from trained specialists who have years of experience and skills for these procedures.


When is the best time to seek treatment?

The best time to seek treatment is before the symptoms worsen. However, it can be hard for patients to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain, especially with hernias.

In many cases, patients will wait far too long and allow the pain to become so bad that they end up in the hospital before receiving treatment.


Benefits of surgery includes:

Relief from the pain.

Get rid of the lump

Prevent future life threatening problems including strangulation and/or obstruction of hernia.


Seek treatment today

To begin the process, we will identify the type of hernia through a consultation and examination of the patient.

Once we understand what we are dealing with, we will then determine and administer the most effective treatment method.

With so many types of hernias and varying levels of pain the patient can struggle with, it is crucial to seek professional treatment from our team as soon as possible.

We have the training and experience in treating hernias to determine the best course of action and prevent a misdiagnosis that a patient may get from general care.

With our knowledge, skills and tools, we can help patients receive the care they need. For more information on my services or to schedule an appointment, give me a call.

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