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Hemorrhoid/ Piles Treatment

Piles also called Hemorrhoids/Piles (HEM-uh-roids) are swollen veins in anus and lower rectum.

Three out of four people will develop Hemorrhoids/Piles at some time in their lives, nearly half of India will suffer from Hemorrhoids/Piles at some time in their lives. Our specialty trained and best doctors for piles treatment use advanced pain-free surgical and non-surgical treatments for Hemorrhoids/piles. What's great about our hemorrhoid treatment is that our surgeons have the most proficiency, skill and experience and are the only ones in the area to offer you the best treatment for piles in India.


What are Hemorrhoids/Piles?


Hemorrhoids/Piles are swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or in the lower rectum. The rectum is the last part of the large intestine leading to the anus. The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract where bowel contents leave the body.

Types of Hemorrhoids/Piles

Internal and external


Internal Piles: Internal Hemorrhoids/Piles develop in the lower rectum. Internal Hemorrhoids/Piles may protrude, or prolapse, through the anus. Most prolapsed Hemorrhoids/Piles shrink back inside the rectum on their own. You normally can't see or feel internal Hemorrhoids/Piles, but they infrequently cause uneasiness.  Straining during bowel movement can damage the lump and cause bleeding. At times straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening, this is called protruding/prolapsed hemorrhoid (piles). It can result in pain and irritation severely prolapsed Hemorrhoids/Piles may protrude permanently and require treatment.

Grade I Piles

Piles are in internal canal. There is no protrusion




Grade I piles can be treated by medicines & ointments.

Grade II Piles

Piles are in internal canal and it usually slid down with every bowel movement


Irritation and bleeding may occur


Grade II piles can be treated by medicines & ointments.

Grade III Piles

The hemorrhoid may protrude past the anal verge. Stage III piles requires the patient to push them inside manually.


Increased irritation, bleeding. And protrusion of mass during defecation



Grade IV Piles

The internal hemorrhoid is always protruded or prolapsed and is at risk for thrombosis and can’t be pushed back.


Itching, bleeding and pain may occur




External Piles: External Hemorrhoids/Piles are located under the skin around the anus. External piles may itch and bleed. Sometimes blood may pool in them and form a clot/thrombus near anus that can cause severe pain, swelling and inflammation. Thrombosed piles (Clotted piles) usually are not serious though they can cause unbearable pain sometimes, if the pain is unbearable blood clot can be removed which relieves the symptoms.


What are the symptoms of Hemorrhoids/Piles?

The most common symptom of internal Hemorrhoids/Piles is bright red blood on stool, or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement.

Internal Hemorrhoids/Piles that are not prolapsed are usually not painful.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids/Piles often cause pain, discomfort, and anal itching.

Excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may make symptoms, such as itching and irritation, worse.

Symptoms can go away within a few days, and some people with Hemorrhoids/Piles never have symptoms.


What causes Hemorrhoids/Piles?

Swelling in the anal or rectal veins causes Hemorrhoids/Piles. Several factors may cause this swelling, including:

  • Genetic

  • Prolonged sitting on toilet

  • Obesity or weight gain

  • Straining around the anal area while passing stool

  •  lack of fiber in the diet

  • Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea

  • Inadequate intake of water

  • Lack of exercise or heavy weight lifting and stress

  • Pregnancy and aging

  • Other contributors like irritable bowel syndrome, laxative abuse and hypothyroidism.


Another cause of Hemorrhoids/Piles is the weakening of the connective tissue in the rectum and anus that occurs with age.

  • Pregnancy can cause Hemorrhoids/Piles by increasing pressure in the abdomen, which may enlarge the veins in the lower rectum and anus. For most women, Hemorrhoids/Piles caused by pregnancy disappear after childbirth. Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time

  • Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time


How are Hemorrhoids/Piles diagnosed?

  • Medical history is taken into consideration. For eg.  People suffering from constipation are more vulnerable to piles

  • The diagnosis is done by physical examination and rectal examination.

  • Anoscopy or colonoscopy may be advised.


How to prevent Hemorrhoid/piles?

  • Eat high-fiber foods like oranges, Lentils, oatmeal and Broccoli

  • Drink six to eight glasses of water each day

  • Stay active to help prevent constipation

  • Avoid long periods of sitting, particularly on the toilet


How are Hemorrhoid/piles treated?

  • Medical management

Grade I piles & Grade II piles can be treated with medicines. Dr Mir Asif Rehman, one-of-the best doctor in Gurgaon, treats patients with symptomatic piles initially with increased fiber-rich diet and adequate fluid intake. If such dietary modifications do not eliminate symptoms in patients with first & second grade piles, then conservative medical therapy including ointments and avoidance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and spicy or fatty foods is advised. If diagnosed early, piles treatment can be done with above mentioned methods.


  • General Treatment

Stapler Surgery for piles, also known as Stapled haemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy:

To treat piles, stapler surgery is very effective. It is typically used only for internal Hemorrhoids/Piles.

The procedure involves blocking of blood flow to haemorrhoidal tissue.

It requires anesthesia.

This procedure is slowly falling into disrepute because of high complication rates.


Why us?


How is our piles treatment different and better than others?

Laser hemorrhoid Ablation: LHP – Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty

The most advanced method of surgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.

It is very attractive due to minimum invasiveness: postoperative course is almost painless; there are no incisions, wounds and bleeding; no complications that occur with classical techniques.

Return to daily activities is possible after a very short time.

It is performed with Hemorrhoids/Piles of grade II and III that are uncomplicated.


Description of the procedure

LHP is performed using NeoV laser: its fiber optical thread applies radial laser beam to target tissue.

The laser beam causes a fibrous reaction in endothelial (inner) cells of hemorrhoidal vessels and in connective tissue.

In short, the laser procedure lessens all symptoms and discomforts caused by Hemorrhoids/Piles .i.e. bleeding, prolapse and pain.


Who are the candidates that require piles treatment ?

Patients with grade II and III of hemorrhoidal disease – characterized by some of the symptoms: perianal eczema, itching, fresh blood in stool or on toilet paper, feeling of fullness in the anus, occasional pain in defecation with intermittent prolapse.


What is the course of the laser procedure ?

The intervention is done under general anesthesia; through minimal incisions near the anus (diameter 2-3mm)


How long does the patient need to recover?

Compared to other piles procedures, this method is certainly the most popular in patients because of its minimal invasiveness and minimal postoperative pain.
Return to all life and work activities is possible a couple of days after the intervention.


How to care for the patient post-surgery?

After hemorrhoid surgery one may feel rectal and anal pain. Doctor will prescribe a painkiller to ease the discomfort.

Recovery takes about 4-5 days but following steps can help make it quicker:

  • Sitz bath: Soaking the anal area in a few inches of warm water several times a day

  • Eating a fiber rich diet

  • Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily to keep yourself hydrated

  • Using a stool softener to avoid straining during bowel movements

  • Avoid any kind of activities that involve heavy lifting or pulling.

  • Usually no dressings are required


Post piles treatment on your follow-up visit with your doctor, he may recommend:

  • Diet changes, such as eating foods high in fiber

  • Making lifestyle changes, such as losing weight

  • Adopting a regular exercise program

These lifestyle changes will reduce the possibility of Hemorrhoids/Piles/piles recurring.

If you have symptoms of piles, make an appointment with Dr Mir Asif Rehman, proctologist today. He can help you get rid of piles at UPHI –The Wellness & Surgical Centre Gurgaon.

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